Friday, February 17, 2012

Beatrice (Writing from the Heart and Talking)

As my team and I work hard to take this project to the next level (please click Here to see how you can help!) I find it more important than ever for myself to sit back and set aside quiet time to reread our growing collection of seniors’ stories. I want to really understand what this project means to them, to really let their voices show us where this project should go. I remember when Beatrice read this story out loud in class, I remember jumping up and cheering with the rest of my senior buds. And now in the context of the project’s growth, it means even more. Sometimes you need someone to talk with, and it’s good to talk to people your age.  But then it’s also good to talk to the younger generations.  It’s good to connect. 

Beatrice Newkirk
Writing from the Heart and Talking

Writing from the heart.

When you write down things, you are getting a load off your chest.  Sometimes people keep things to themselves.  They carry it for years. 

If only people would just talk to someone.  They let important things go so long.  People can help each other by listening to other people’s stories.  Sometimes people want to talk to someone, but they are afraid to trust other people.  That is the main thing I am talking about.

Some people don’t want to let go.  Like when you lose someone or lots of family members.

No one gets over losing a loved one or a special friend.  Sometimes it’s hard losing a neighbor.  When you grow up with a real friend, and when they are taken from you, you feel so bad.

I had a special friend.  He was always worrying about me.

Sometimes you need someone to talk with, and it’s good to talk to people your age.  But then it’s also good to talk to the younger generation.  It’s good to connect.