A conversation with the older buds will often take interesting
terms. For instance, last week we were talking between stories, and the
conversation turned to Southern hospitality, i.e. if you go down South,
you will get fed. Whether you want it or not, the food is inevitable.
knew it, Frances knew it, Elliot knew it. Joan wasn’t from the South
and never went, but one of her foster mothers was from Georgia and she
was the best cook Joan had ever met. José never quite had Southern
hospitality, but he had a lot of Mexican hospitality. He even said the
best places to find it are the small towns far away from the major
cities like Mexico City and El Paso. Delores said that when she went to
New York, she saw two different types of hospitality in New York “among
people of [her] color.” If you went to their house for a party, and they
came from the South, they would feed you. If they were born and raised
in New York, then you could drink all the liquor they had, but they
wouldn’t feed you. Ann said the New Yorkers she knew would feed you, but
they were typically Italian-American. I’ll be going down to Atlanta,
Georgia myself in a few weeks, so I’m looking forward to a little
Southern hospitality myself.
of hospitality, our tenth anniversary celebration is coming up during
the school year on Friday November 8th, 10AM-4PM. You can donate here,
and groups of students and families (home-schooled or otherwise) can
get special rewards for contributing. If you have stories to share from
the older buds in your life, please send them through this form. I myself have posted stories about about targets, guns, potatoes, stubborn babies, and one about the Rocky Horror Picture Show. If
you're uncomfortable with the idea of playing hooky, then don't worry
because it's a great learning experience and volunteering opportunity.
If you are comfortable with the idea of playing hooky, then stick it to
The Man by shedding light on a population that's typically ignored.
Fight the power!
And in the spirit of hospitality, we have a sampler of stories for you to enjoy.
Frances Bryce
couple of weeks ago the sun came out and the daffodils peeped its head
hoping that they would make a grand entrance. The weather again decided
that it had not made its first debut, so the flowers were again on hold.
past week the weather gave us another treat by bringing warmth more
days. The tulips, daffodils and pansies were again on display, along
with others. Macy’s had a flower show that was beautiful, and gave me an
opportunity to see what we have in store, to look forward in planters
if you are limited to a small space.
The calendar says spring is here and now the flowers are catching up with the anxious expectations of what's to come.
will get to put away the wool scarves, heavy coats and hats, so enjoy
whatever the thermometer reads. Also, after spring comes summer, no
complaining about the hot weather.
Rochelle Tynes
Because I ask so many Questions
and Preservatives - Does anyone remember being given different remedies
or patented medicines for a given time of year? Such as, in the Spring
we got a syrup and molasses tonic to clean us out from the Winter Blahs.
In the Fall, Winter and other times we got a dose of Castor Oil, Cod
Liver Oil, Father John’s or Turpentine on top of something in a spoon.
We were given Paregoric and Afetas bags to wear and other items to
prevent us having various illnesses. However we usually felt so yucky
and smelled so bad from the bags around our necks that no one within a
50 foot radius would come near us unless they had on the same bag. Were
these remedies a preventative or a preservative? When we talk among
ourselves and relate our experiences of having taken or being given
these items we really be grateful because we are still standing. They
seem to have been preservatives as well as preventatives.

Thanks for reading, and take care of yourself.
Curated by Caitlin Cieri