Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hazel and Brenda (A Wonderful Sister)

This post is dedicated to my very cool and wonderful sis (hi Jada – it was fun FaceTiming last night!!) whom I am so excited to see in Seattle in a few weeks, and who is also a copy editor for our project - she joined our team after her last visit here to Philly and to our class.

A couple weeks ago Hazel’s sister, Brenda, visited our class from NYC, and you can feel their bond just by looking at the way they walked together or gave a nod or smile to each other. Like they understood each other without needing to trade words. And so, I guess that’s what was so surprising to me, and probably to them, when they each dedicated their story to the other person. Brenda knew how much the class means to Hazel and wrote about that. Hazel wrote about how proud she has always been of Brenda, ever since she was born. None of us knew what they had written until they took turns reading out loud. Out of all the smiles around the table, guess which two were the biggest?

Brenda Jones

So many avid pens giving shape to new thoughts.
Something of what is inside, exposed for others to ponder.

Hazel Nurse
A Wonderful Sister

Many years ago, during my high school days, our family was blessed with a loveable baby girl, Brenda.  My mother was fortunate to have my teen-aged sister and I too often share in caring for her.

Through the years, she excelled in biology as well as in journalism.  She not only raised her own family but retired as managing editor at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.

Her itinerary continues to baffle me.  Having recently returned from a trip to southern India, she will soon be flying to Florence, Italy and sharing e-mails, photos, and stories of her exciting experiences with all.