Thursday, April 26, 2012

Carol (Hello, It's Me)

“Last week homeless, this week the proud renter of my very own room.” 

Hooray for today.
Hooray for yesterday.
Hooray for tomorrow.
And most of all, hooray for Carol.

Carol Dailey
Hello, It’s Me

The best day of my life so far is perhaps today, and then there was yesterday that led to today. But let me digress a moment to say that I’ve had many spectacular days in the past. (I can digress when writing as I am able to refer back to the topic; when speaking, it is often “gone with the wind.”)

Anyway, this will introduce you to the current me. I’m homeless and in a shelter where I’ve had the best night sleep in 10 or more years. Sad. I’m moving in with a fellow “inmate’s” parents. Taskia and I met in Charles Fairmount Behavioral and Addictions Hospital. She calls me the “crazy lady”. I call her all sorts of things, including my baby. When we were in school, they would separate us.

I’m in constant pain, but yesterday, with all my BAGGAGE (both kinds are heavy) I made it to OSAA-DMV and got my license address changed. I now have a Phila photo ID! With my ID, I got my room and maybe a family. That room allowed me the freedom to come here today, Thursday.

Hooray for today.

Carol Dailey
The Saga of Carol D

Here I am, continuing the saga of Sea Daily.  Last week homeless, this week the proud renter of my very own room.  I’m back in Germantown, just several blocks from my old original address.  Here the house is laid out the same way as my other place and I have the same small room here as I did there.

There’s even a dog!  I’m renting from my dear friend’s parents, and if I don’t talk them to death it should be a very sweet deal.  She says, “Oh, I forgot about the dog”.  How she could forget, I don’t know!  He’s a butterscotch-colored pitbull and just a Q.T.  He pushes his teeth against my nose and “nibbles”.  I’m in love.