Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pretty Picture

You gotta check out this beautiful flier that Henrietta made! I love this. Just got this today and have to show you right away. She turns in a full stack of pages every week (today's page count: 13) and once in a while, they include collages. Don't you just love the the little hearts and butterflies and giant lollipops? And how she says, TELL... YOUR STORY? And the word "party"? I guess seeing this just makes me so happy because here we are, in name a writing class, but in spirit, simply an outrageously good time. And btw, yes, the seniors are pysched about our Leeway Grant. Today, when I broke the great news to them, they immediately SUGGESTED bringing teens into our project and incorporating video just as I was about to propose the exact same thing. Yay!