Friday, March 16, 2012

Oh yeah we are Youtube-crazy!

Ever since I (finally) got an iphone over the holidays, my senior buds and I have been taking silly videos on it. So yes, our group has officially become Youtube fanatics! Whenever I ask if they want to do a class photo or video, they scream, "Video!"

So, for a good laugh and a big smile,

Check out our Youtube channel: bestdaysofar

And better yet, Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter so you can receive feeds of new videos (and good old-fashioned photos) right as they are posted. BTW, you guys all know stories on this blog get streamed right to Facebook and Twitter, too, right? So yes, if you read this blog regularly, please do connect with us via Facebook and Twitter for all these reasons!!

One more reason! Our seniors check out all our class' pages - Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and they love seeing all your profile pics ;) It lets them know you guys are reading their stories and cheering for them, and it really does mean everything to them. Where else did you think they get all their energy from? It's all 'cause of you guys. Thanks for making my buds so happy.