Monday, March 26, 2012

Joe and Vikas (Last Train to City Hall)

“This is gonna help me get over my fears.”

That’s what Vikas, one of our dedicated Wharton Business School students said on Youtube about Joe’s story. Joe can’t see so Vikas sat and handwrote with him and as he told this story verbally.

A few months ago, we introduced you to our Wharton team who has been working (HARD!) with us to clarify our project vision and refine our (MAJOR!) expansion plans. Click Here and Here to meet them again, and join our mailing list (see blog sidebar) to get the inside scoop on the really, really exciting stuff that we are up to behind the scenes.

And guess what? After class, Vikas came up to me and volunteered to go home and type up Joe’s story as a special copy-editor-for-the-week. For me, that is so above and beyond what he had originally signed up for, well beyond what he is getting graded on for his grad school semester project. It shows me that there are no bystanders in this project. By observing – whether it’s through our class, our events, or this very blog post – everyone is taking part. The Best Day of My Life (So Far) is not just about seniors. The Best Day is my wish every day for all of us.

Joe Garrison
Last Train to City Hall

There is a time when I used to travel a lot by subway.   I don’t do it anymore because of my fear of falling on the tracks.

One day, I was on the way to buy a gift for Debra and I was supposed to get off at the City Hall stop.  But, I misjudged and got off at the Vine Street stop.  Vine Street is the loneliest stop on the subway.  As soon as I realized this I followed the train but it left before I got to the bottom of the stairs.  I was in the middle of the platform with only tracks on both sides.  There was no one around me.  I could hear voices in the distance but I didn’t dare to move an inch.  I found a pillar and held on to it with my dear life.   I was frozen in fear.  I waited for the next train and got on it quickly.

To this day, I don’t ride trains anymore.

Lesson: The lesson is fear is a hard thing to lose.  The fear never leaves you whatever you do to fight it.