I literally run everywhere every day. I have trouble sitting still. I told my senior buds on Thursday, after dashing into the room, that my time with them is my favorite hour of the week. And it’s true. I would be a wreck if I don’t have them to keep me sane. It’s like my life could be crazy (haha, and it generally is, with my dreams and plans to grow this project which I will reveal to you all in detail very soon, my love for my “other day job” as an architect, my I’ll-do-absolutely-anything-for-my-senior-buds commitment to our class, my appetite for having fun in life and playing soccer, drums, boxing, my determination to make sure I always make time for my husband, and my perpetual guilt for living far away from family and wishing I have more time with them…) but when I open the classroom door every Thursday and see my buddies’ faces, the busyness (and business) of life would slow down, and a calmness would come over me, and I tell myself, this isn’t just The Best Day of My Life So Far writing class. This is definitely the best day of my life so far.
Brenda Bailey
Rushing To
In this life we find ourselves rushing from one thing to another.
Rushing to-
To – learn how to walk, talk, and use the potty
To – Start school, write our names and numbers
To- Middle School (1st bras, and other body developments)
To – High School (cute boys, prom, graduation)
To – Find a job or college, 1st car
To- Marry, house babies – success
To - Retirement ( S.S. Office for check and Human Resources Office for Pensions )
And then we realize we don’t have to rush anymore. No more rushing to clock in, no children to rush to the school bus, nor rushing to the supermarket, we now have TIME – Time to realize how blessed we are with health, family, and friends. I have been blessed with a group of people who genuinely care about me – my BDMLSF Family. Since my absence from this class they have never failed to acknowledge me and show love. Mr. Gordon, my BFF, has called me and prayed for my son here at the center and over the phone. Ms. Helen, Bea, Hattie and others have inquired about his progress. Thank you! I have also met new friends in my travels to hospitals and nursing homes, we have shared our similar stories about our loved ones illnesses. Strangers who took the time to stop and ask if I need anything. We have cried, laughed, and drank pots of coffee in waiting room lobbies, and patient rooms. So, take the time to stop, look and listen to this beautiful world we live in and to caring people. I have felt that these experiences have been a reflection of God’s love for me.