Thursday, September 8, 2022

Labor (Gloria and Diane)

Coming up next is the twelfth part to Diane Richardson's "When I Met My Hubby." But first, Happy Belated Labor Day!

I hope you were all able to take some time off during Labor Day, recharge and get ready for the autumn workload. When you think about it, labor is more than just the jobs we do. It's all the little things we do to keep our lives going. Doctor's appointments, home repairs, paying bills, groceries, tune ups. If even one of those things gives us more problems than we expect, then that's just labor on top of labor. And older bud Gloria has a story about a time she needed to do more work than necessary:

Gloria Nhambiu


The Convenience of an Automobile

I have been addicted to my cars for most of my adult life. I see a car as a necessary convenience. As a mother of four, I transported children to schools, medical appointments, friends’ homes and various other places where they needed to be chauffeured. Sometimes I felt driving them was safer than walking in our neighborhood.
Once my youngest son called me to come and get him when he was at a classmate's house party. He said drive past the house, and he would see the car and come out. This seemed weird but I did as he asked. He ran out and jumped in the car. He said he left because the drugs came out. This shocked me, because these were prep school kids.
When my mother sold her small house in South Philadelphia and moved in with me I chauffeured her everywhere. Medical appointments, church, ladies club meetings etc.
Having my own car gave me a sense of freedom. I did not have to ask my husband to alter his schedule to transport me or the children.
Last week my husband's car was stolen, and my car is being repaired. I feel really strange without my own transportation. It’s funny how dependent one becomes on something that should be a simple convenience. 

We now return to our continuing story, "When I Met My Hubby: by Diane Richardson, Part 12:

Diane Richardson


When I Met My Hubby Part 12

Everything is going great for Joe and I. I really appreciated and enjoyed the Thanksgiving Dinner he cooked for us. Pearlie Mae and Tia are still flying back and forth to Vegas to gamble every chance they get. Tara and I are staying local at Atlantic City utilizing their comps, rooms, room service, shows, restaurants and limo service. We are not gamblers like them. We have a problem losing our money. I’d rather give my money away to someone in need than lose it. Its not a problem for them to lose a thousand dollars. I get pissed when I buy a lottery ticket and don’t win.
So, this morning after Joe and I had a nice weekend together I asked him if he would take my rent to the rental office for me as the rental office would be closed when I got off. He said will do, not a problem. The next day when he came over, I asked him was he able to go to the rental office? He said of course, I said I would, didn’t I? I thanked him. He said “No problem. Let me hold on to this rent book. I’ll be taking care of the rent from now on.”
To Be Continued…

If you want to transcribe for Best Day, then email us at You can also share our older buds' adventures by donating to Best Day, subscribing to our newsletter, sending a note to our older buds, or following us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter. And if you or the older buds have any stories about the work you do, then you or they can submit stories through our portal right here. We're especially interested to stories from Black older buds, but we're always looking for stories from older buds of color, older buds with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ older buds, older buds of any gender or sex, older buds of any religion, and older buds who just plain break the mold.

And don't forget to maintain contact with the older buds in your life. If you can't be there in person, please call them, email them, or message them on social media. And if they're using teleconferencing or remote events for the first time, give them a call and help them set things up. Check in on them to see how well they're getting used to these programs. Buy them a computer or an internet package if they don't have one of their own. It's a human right, after all.

Curated by Caitlin Cieri