Thursday, February 22, 2018

All Types of Love (Dolores, Joan, Fallell)

Last week was Valentines’ Day, a day to celebrate love in all its forms. Romantic love, familial love, brotherly love, love for your fellow man, the list goes on. So in honor of that holiday, here’s a few stories about love of all kinds.

Dolores Wilson 
Romance Cha Cha
When I saw Norman, one of my fellow members of my story telling class at the Senior Center, Saturday pass, I was pleasantly surprised not only him being there (Norman) but he was a smooth dancer and knew every step to the different line dance. 
As I sat there and watched and listened to songs that were being played from back in the day, nostalgia came over me. 
It reminded me of my first beau who was an airman. He was a professional photographer and he told my mom that he had connection in the business. I had express I was interested and my mom could go with me at that time they were called House of Lawrence. Now, they called agency. My mom agreed “when she finishes school.” The last song at the line dance, reminded me of the romantic cha cha of my first crush.

Joan Bunting 
When families get together, why does there all the time always be one that starts havoc and/or confusion? 
My daughter, Joyce, from Hampton, Virginia came to visit us in Philadelphia with her daughter and five grandchildren. 
I spent the night with my oldest daughter, her oldest daughter, and her three children. 
Everything went smoothly that night, everyone enjoyed themselves. 
The next day, things started out well until a phone call was made and all hell broke loose. 
We hadn’t seen my daughter in five years (that’s when my children’s father passed) and were very excited about her weekend visit. 
I won’t go into detail, but other than the disruption, we all had a swell time. The family was sort of divided. Some had a different opinion about the situation. 
My whole point was if you hadn’t seen a close family member for five or more years, why can’t you just accept the plan that was made and be glad to have family get-togethers. 
I am strictly for family gatherings whether they live out of state, up the street, or around the corner. 
That might be because my siblings and I were raised in foster homes. 
Eight of us were place in one home, three of my siblings and myself were placed in three different homes. Being that I was next to the youngest by the time I was in my early teens, all of the older ones were on their own. 
So, I love being a part of a large family and it breaks by hear to see family members not get along.

Fallell Ward
Love of Life 
I feel so good to be alive this day. Life has so many ups and downs, but when it is up, 
it is wonderful. 
Today is an up day. A day that is filled with new changes and new people. It is nice being in a place where you know you can and will be helped to better yourself and hopefully others around you. I am looking forward to receive the blessings that will come my way, by being a partner in the resources of this agency. So for now and the future, thank you for letting me be… ME.
I hope you all had a Happy Valentines Day, and that you spent it with someone you loved.

Curated by Caitlin Cieri