Thursday, April 10, 2014

Frances (To Sleep or Not to Sleep)

In the previous blog post, we heard from Joan. One of the friends whom Joan has brought recently is Frances. Yup, another line dancer!! Some seniors need a few months to open up; some seniors take a seat at our table and stories immediately pour from their hearts, candid and raw. Frances not only opened up the first day she joined us, but said she wouldn’t mind reading first in our reading order. (Beatrice, Millie, or Hazel runs our reading order every week, and they always ask who wants to read first… but usually the newbies don’t raise their hands!) The moment Frances raised her hand to read, the first time she ever joined, her smile big and carefree – that’s the mental snapshot that always flashes across my mind now, when I see Frances every week, and it’s the most candid and beautiful snapshot.

Frances Bryer
To Sleep or Not to Sleep

I looked in the mirror one morning as I usually do; but this morning was different from the one before or at least it was different for me. I saw staring back at me a different face. Lines that had never shown themselves before. I took a second glance the mirror repeated the image. The woman had been transformed or at least her face had been overnighted into the same face the recognized as her late mother.

The next day on the bus a much younger woman offered me her seat and remarked that I reminded her of her grandmother. If she had said her mother, the impact would have been less. That night when I was preparing for bed, I had second thoughts about going to sleep, because my new me had happen overnight, or at least that’s when I noticed the beginning of my present self happen overnight, so I give fair warning, be careful when you go to sleep. The aging process run in high speed when you sleep. I am careful about beauty sleep.