Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cosby Time

Yup, I meant the one and only Bill Cosby.

Believe it or not, today we stepped out of our basement classroom. Not only that, we traveled up north to a small theater, for our very first class field trip. Not only that. We were invited to be part of a small, private audience for a filming session starring Bill Cosby himself. GASP.

(Yes, the producer visited our class a couple of times and personally invited us, but I wasn’t allowed to announce the field trip on the blog until after it’s happened. Sorry! Been wanting to tell you!)

Essentially, we watched Mr. Cosby interview different people, including kids from a local YMCA, in the style of the old Art Linkletter show, "Kids Say the Darnest Things".  The seniors had a lot of fun. They sang camp songs on the minibus on the way there, and laughed out loud throughout our whole time in the theater. They also promised to write up some nice stories about the day next week when we meet, to compare experiences and also to fill YOU GUYS in here on the blog ;) Joining us for our big trip was my new friend Tyreek, or “Tea”, who you may remember is one of our new Teen Interns, and whose letter to Arthur was posted here on the blog last week. Tyreek even showed up to the senior center early, before the trip, to hang out with the seniors - when I showed up, he was already chatting like old pals with Arthur! It made me so happy.

Stay tuned for stories from the day – as soon as they get written and typed, I’ll share!

(Cosby Photo Credits: Erinn Cosby)