Thursday, March 19, 2020

Maintaining Connections During Social Distancing (Jewel, Philip, and Aparecida)

Hundreds of thousands of businesses are closing down for two weeks, and people all over the United States are working from home and practicing social isolation. Philadelphia is no exception and Best Day will not be meeting in person for the next two weeks at least. Best Day is committed to ending senior isolation, especially during difficult times such as these. We will continue to share the stories of our older buds and keep in touch with them, without compromising their health.

Older buds are most at risk during this period, not just because of the virus but because of the isolation, loss of community centers and the difficulty in getting supplies. There is a lot you can do to help the older buds in your life, even if you can't be there in person. Call them at least once a week to check in on them and see what supplies they need. Arrange to have those delivered to them in a way that won't expose them to the coronavirus. And once you've done that, talk to them. Talk to them through FaceTime, Zoom, Google Hangouts, Facebook, and good old fashioned telephones. Ask them how their day was, ask them for that one story from their childhood, ask them for that one recipe you never got to write down. But most importantly, listen to them. Let them know you're there, and let them know you care.

For today's blog post, I want to showcase three stories about hope and community, from three unique older buds:
Jewel Grace
Bump In the Night

I am a walking miracle. I have survived two kidney transplants, bipolar disorder, and many panic attacks. How? You might ask. With determination, grit, art, music, friends, a loving congregation, my higher power - Goddess, consciousness, talented therapists, untalented therapists. So... We are all mirrors for each other, everyone is a student and a teacher. And most of all, I have leaned to accept myself just the way I am.
And that (just like the Beatles predicted) the only way to change anything is by loving it.

Philip Pai
God In My Daily Life

I was born in mainland China, and grew up in Hong Kong. My parents were Catholic, me too. When I was young, I attended Catholic school. Therefore, in my mind, I just knew God which is the Almighty God. Sometimes, when I have difficulties, I pray for God, then I know how to do. I remembered when I attended a Sunday mass to worship God, the priest said that where is God? Where in heaven? He said heaven is in front of you. Where is hell? It is also in front of you. In our daily life, if you treat people kindly, people will love you. If you treat people not good, they will not like you, therefore heave and hell is not so far. It is in your mind. After, if I have hard times, I will talk to God and pray to God who will direct me. So everyday I pray in the morning and read the bible that gives me lots of word from God. Sometimes, I think that God reflects in the human beings life. God also gives us everything in our daily life. Most of God's words come from the bible. If we love God, we should "love" the person who knows how to love around us, such as family, friends, relatives, etc. There are other words "happy" is also very important. I am so glad that God gives me so many things from the Bible in the daily life. 

Aparecida De Souza
A Quality I Loved About My Father

My father was one of the most peaceful persons that I ever knew or met. He was always calm, never seemed to get angry about anything, and never ever beat his children. I don't think there was even a conflict in his life that he wouldn't have faced and solved, always good naturally, or sometimes, jokingly. One such occasion, as I remember, and I was no more than 4 or 5 years old - this has impressed me so much that I could never forget it: My father had sold one of his horses to a man that lived 2 or 3 farms away from our place. The buyer had not made any parents to and a long time passed without the family hearing from him One of my uncles (my mother's brother) sent word to the man that he should come and pay his debt to my family or he would "do I don't know what." Soon after that, one day, the man showed up at our porch - I remember, the scene - everyone was outside meeting him. One funny thing is that he had left the horse way up on one side of the road, very far. He came in no friendly mood, screaming and saying that he refused and was not going to pay anything to anybody! My uncle followed, exchanging words and screaming at him the same way, and at no time jumped to personal aggression, ready to hit him. My father threw himself between the two and simply said: If it takes a fight to solve the problem, forget about it: I pardon you, you don't owe me anything - the horse is yours!

Once again, please keep in touch with the older buds in your life. If you can't be there in person, please call them, email them, or message them on social media. You can share their stories through our portal right here, and you can volunteer as a transcriber (completely remotely) by emailing us at And if you're just plain passionate about supporting older buds and ending senior isolation, then like us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter, and share links to your favorite stories. Thanks for reading.

Curated by Caitlin Cieri