Theresa and "Daughter" Gloria looking on as "Mommy" Aileen reads |
Brenda looking on as her best friend Go Go reads |
Following Loretta’s generous gesture of love and friendship in the last blog post, here is a tribute to the love and friendship that fills our classroom like the most massive and stretchiest balloon. It’s a new year, and our classroom balloon is stretchier than ever with new friends. It’s so awesome to be a part of something that is so much bigger than yet so much a part of yourself.
Theresa Son Lee
Beginning of My Retirement
I retired a year ago.
The first few months were fine: sleep late, eat whenever I pleased, etc, etc. But after six months I realized that I had no human contact and therefore no social life. I googled Senior Centers and found this place. What beautiful people I met. Lots of people I’ll continue to meet.
Thank you all, love Theresa.
Aileen Jefferson
New Friendships
The welcoming of new friends. There they are! An entire class of friendships that are new.
And I’m thinking, they look familiar, then I realize this is my writing workshop, of course.
New friends here. We all are from all over the city and we are congregated with various interests, mainly about improving our relations with each other and communicating with each other.
The fellowship of our peers is important to us.
Brenda Scantlebury
Go-Go’s Visit
Today I’m happy because my friend for over twenty years has joined me in the storytelling and writing class. We have had many adventures together. We have hoped, prayed for each other’s children and families and shared desires and dreams. We belonged to the same church congregation some years ago. She taught the younger children and I helped. There were other auxiliaries that we both served in that we enjoyed being a part of. As a matter of fact we came to the ministry about the same time. We have similar interests, enjoy each other’s companionship. We talk and discuss the many life issues. She’s my Sounding Board and is always ready to give a critique. I can say she is my best Earthly Friend. We have a love and a mutal respect for each other. Her name is Jenny but she is called “Go-Go.”