Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Neha (Diwali)

For today, how about a story from Neha who is a super volunteer on our super facilitating team? Yes, Neha, take it away... take us away to Diwali, the loveliest festival of the Hindus!

Neha Katoraka

Diwali is the most colorful, sacred, and loveliest festival of the Hindus. This year, it is on the 30th of October. The festival marks the happy return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after 14 years exile. It is the festival of lights. It means a row or collection of lamps. A few days before Diwali, houses, shops, are thoroughly cleared and decorated. People exchange greetings and gifts or sweets on this day.

At night, buildings are illuminated with dujas, candlesticks, and electric bulbs. We worship Goddess Lasimi, the goddess of wealth at night. Children explode crackers.

I haven’t been able to celebrate this festival with my family for the last 3 years.

This year, we would be celebrating the festival at the University with a group of Indian students. I am really looking forward to this new experience of celebrating our festival with a group of new people.