Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Elliot (Real Wealth)

Hey, look! It's suddenly New Year's Eve!! As I reread my senior buds' recent stories to find just the right one for you, to wish you the happiest of all new years, Elliot's words jumped off the screen and took my breath away again, just as it did when I heard it for the first time in our storytelling group. Whatever this year brings you, with all its inevitable ups and downs, I wish that you too can find your way to real wealth. Have fun celebrating tonight, and wishing you a very, very wealthy 2015!

Elliot Doomes
Real Wealth

Thomas Carlyle said that, “The sum of a man’s life is in his experiences.” I have experienced the love of a mother, father, brother. I have even had the honor and pleasure of knowing my dearly beloved grandmother. I have witnessed the seed of my sperm come forth from a woman’s womb and become a living soul. I have never possessed silver or gold, but I have experienced real wealth. I am a wealthy man.