Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rose (Twice American)

Rose has the kind of voice that calms a room - when she speaks or reads, her voice is both carefree and sensitive. Whenever there is a new senior joining our class, my senior buds and I would tell him or her to just sit back and relax – no need to write if he or she isn’t in the mood yet. Rose nodded when we told her, smiled, and immediately began writing. Tiny pieces of her life glided like tiny dancers right across the page, as though the page is where she has always belonged.

Rosires Raff
Twice American

I used to say that I’m “Twice American”—South (Brazil) and North America.

1971—arrived in New York (Newark, South Orange, North Orange).  Loved every minute and everybody.

Moved to Philadelphia in 1995.

Presently I’m a widow.

I like poems, and also write some.

I have written an interesting story about myself, and many interesting events.  I’d like to find an expert person to help me with it, perhaps it will become a book or a movie.

Who knows?