Thursday, June 20, 2013

Brenda (Po People's Fun)

Sometimes, when the weather is gorgeous out, you just gotta have a little story like this to make your day even better. Love of life, love of people. Who knew such massive things can radiate from two little paragraphs?

Well, it’s time for me to get up from this laptop and take a walk (incidentally I AM heading over to the senior center to see my senior buds for this week’s class now!)… to see what fun things I spot along the way. You know it - I will be imagining Brenda by my side, saying “Look! Look!”

Brenda Scantlebury
Po People’s Fun

Years ago and even today, folks whose income level is not the best, they look for ways to have fun or entertain themselves. Now that the weather has changed leaning from warm to hot, they're outdoors more. I was passing through a neighborhood in the greater northeast of Philadelphia, I saw people gathered in a cul-de-sac drinking beer and having fun. Another area I saw people playing cards, checkers and dominoes. Some neighbors were engrossed in conversation talking about sports and politics.

Last week, Thursday, as I was at my granddaughter's prom sendoff, when I stood on the porch I saw a large multitude of people cheering. They roared with praise, ooh'ed and ahh'ed when both my granddaughter and grandson made their grand exit to go to the prom. I was so excited! They each had their own exit song. The music proceeded them leaving and continued until midnight as we danced, laughed, cheered and had fun! The event turned into a big party!